"I’m delighted to support the important work of the NZBRI brain researchers"
“I once heard that 1 in 5 people develop a neurological disorder and I’ve never forgotten that.” Mel has a personal connection to brain research – she has friends who developed neurological disorders at a young age and her mother suffers from dementia. Supporting the New Zealand Brain Research Institute is Mel’s way of helping researchers to continue their work, and to continue their discoveries. “This research team are making huge inroads in neurological disorders, and they can’t do that without funding. I gain a lot of pleasure from helping them to research effects and treatments for diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and dementia.” |
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Thank you for helping our vital work. As we are an institute, you will be directly supporting the people who are doing the research. We are New Zealand's only independent Brain Research Institute and, as such, we do not receive direct government funding but are dependent on grants, donations and bequests from individuals, such as you. We are a fully registered charity and any donation is tax deductible. Our research is limited by funding and we need your support to continue this work. As our research is patient focused, it helps us understand the debilitating neurological disorders from which they suffer, and to better treat, manage and support them, their families and their whānau. Neurological disorders are the leading source of disability globally, and the fastest growing neurological disorder in the world is Parkinson’s disease. At the New Zealand Brain Research Institute, we have one of the largest and longest running Parkinson’s research studies in the world.
However you decide to support us please email info@nzbri.org to let us know you’ve made or sent a deposit, along with your name, phone number and postal address. If you have any questions, or would like more information please contact our team on 03-5956-800.
Our Charity Registration Number is CC20457 and any donation is tax deductible.
You can also make a donation directly online.
Bank Deposit:
You can transfer money directly to us through your bank:
Account Name: New Zealand Brain Research Ltd
Account Number: 01-0797-0631546-00
Particulars: ‘Your name and initials’
Please send us an email with your contact details so we can send you a tax receipt.
By Credit Card either online or by mailing us your details:
Credit Card Number: __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __
Name on Card: ___________________________ Card expiry date (MM/YY): ___ /___
Amount you would like to donate: $ __________
Please post this to the address below and include your contact details so that we can send you a tax receipt.
66 Stewart St
Christchurch 8011